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satisfy oneself中文是什么意思

用"satisfy oneself"造句"satisfy oneself"怎么读"satisfy oneself" in a sentence


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  • Later , people use it to describe " satisfying oneself by imagining things or consoling oneself with false hopes "
  • Produce lack of power account : patient often long - term inappetence , decrease into appetite , bring about human body to absorb inadequacy of quantity of heat , cannot satisfy oneself nutrition need
  • Under the market economy of circumstance , specially after we joined wto , along with the finance open step by step , the compete of banking became more and more impetuosity , the compete of operation is realized by the compete of person finally . for a commercial bank , if you want to remain invincible in market compete , you must set up an adaptive manpower resource opening system , moreover performance assess and encourage system that regarded as cure content is particularly important . scientific and effective performance assess and encourage system can dig employee potential fully , optimize the resource configuration of corporation . . actualize effective system . at the same time the corporation realize manage aim , also make the operator and employee realize oneself importance , satisfy oneself demands , hence make themselves gain permanent compete
用"satisfy oneself"造句  


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